
This General Practice is Research Active 
Conducting high-quality clinical research helps us to keep improving NHS care by finding out which treatments work best. 

In this practice, you might be asked to take part in a clinical research study. Taking part in a clinical research study is voluntary and can be a rewarding experience. 

To find local clinical research studies, go to: 

To find out more about clinical research in the East Midlands visit:

To read about other patients who have benefitted from taking part in clinical research visit:

COVID-19 Clincal Trial

Join a COVID-19 clinical trial.

The PRINCIPLE trial aims to find treatments that reduce hospital admission and improve symptoms for people with COVID-19. You could be eligible to join if:-

  • You have had these symptoms for fewer than 15 days
    •  a continuous new or worsening cough
    •  a high temperature
  • You are aged 50 to 64 with a pre-existing illness
  • You are aged 65 and above

To find out more please visit:


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